At 25 years old, I’m a long time addict of 10 years. 10 years of abusing every last drug, this last 4 years of my addiction has been souly been about heroin and fentnayl. Action has changed me and my understanding about not only my addiction about about everyone else’s especially those around me and how are addictions affect not just us but those around us who love us. If it wasn’t for Action I wouldn’t have this knowledge but more importantly I would be DEAD. The staff here is AMAZING they’re so extreme and very personal and loving and caring and for me it hasn’t just been the program it’s been 100-100 not just 50-50, 100-100 the program and the staff are everything this place is built around and together they’ve both changed my life, my thinking, my knowledge and every last aspect about drugs and alcohol. Man, don’t get me started on the chef lol. The FOOD here is better then restaurant quality. We are spoiled with 3 chef cooked meals a day.. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would recommend this place to anybody searching for help and I do recommend it to every last person I know struggling with addiction today and I have alot of friends that are still out there suffering. Just waiting for them to make that choice. I’m thankful for Action, I’m thankful for the staff, and most of all I’m thankful for my sobriety which would have not been possible without them.