Finding the best substance abuse program is essential when you’re ready to get clean. Whether you have drug or alcohol dependence, Action Family Counseling is your go-to addiction recovery treatment center. We aim to provide accessible drug and alcohol rehab treatment that puts you on the path to recovery. We work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your addiction’s underlying cause and helps you overcome challenges that stand in your way. We support you on your journey to recovery.
Our drug and alcohol abuse counselor works with individual patients to recommend the appropriate treatment path. We recognize each person progresses through treatment at their pace. With our alcohol and drug rehab treatment center, we take a progressive approach to your treatment. You won’t advance to the subsequent treatment stage until you’re ready. Whether you need outpatient care or would benefit from an inpatient alcohol rehab center, we have the program to pave your path to recovery based on your unique needs.
Our substance abuse program in San Fernando, CA, qualifies for many major insurance coverages, allowing you to seek assistance without spending too much money. You will work one-on-one with a drug and alcohol abuse counselor to determine if our alcohol and drug rehab treatment center is right for you. Once you enroll in our addiction recovery treatment center, we will assign you to a team who will create and implement your personalized treatment plan. We aim to make treatment affordable and accessible to all.
Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options.
"We are committed to building success through integrity, personalized service, safety, and quality facilities. We are committed
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